Getting Started #
The Code Format Generator will redefine the code format process. The old method is an Excel file that is prone to formula errors and requires manual entry into Vista. Even experienced consultants make mistakes transferring these values.
The new method allows you to select the various parts and builds the Final Format for you. The data entry element is removed which means less errors. Each format is on the same screen so you don’t have to cycle through the various Excel worksheets. Lastly, a CSV file is generated with the approved formats which can be applied using TAD or SQL Server Management Studio.
Apply using TAD #
If you have the generated CSV file with your formats then follow the Implementation – Apply Code Format template instructions.
Apply using SQL Server Management Studio #
The generated CSV file also includes SQL UPDATE statements that you can execute in SSMS. Open the file in Excel and you can copy and paste the UPDATE statements to SSMS to execute. Each statement is restricted to the individual datatype.