Edit the Report Structure

Getting Started #

After you download a Report, you can use the Edit Query button on the ribbon to modify the structure.

The structures of most reports are SQL Statements broken down into the following sections. The rest are based on stored procedures so any changes must be made directly to the procedure.

  • Select
    • Use to choose which columns you want to see in the download.
  • From
    • Use to choose the main table of your Report.
  • Join
    • Use to join other tables so you can get additional columns for display or filtering.
  • Where
    • Use to filter the data with hard coded values or create your own parameters.
  • Group By
    • Use to set the sort order of the records.
    • This also drives the grouping of records on the Design Layout if you apply formats to the columns.

Edit the Report #

The topics below walk you through changing the various sections of a report.

Core 4

Advanced Topics