Intro to Batches

Getting Started #

The Batches templates give you the ability to deal with the entire lifecycle of a batch. That means you can get new batch numbers, import the records, validate the batch and post the batch. You can also clear batches and download batch errors.

You can list multiple Companies/Months on the same sheet. All batch actions will be processed for each unique combination.

Batch Actions #

The Batch Actions buttons are accessible from the ribbon and function exclusively with batch-related tables.

The following list contains the batch actions.

  • Get Batch # – Assign a Batch # to each combination of Co & Month, allowing multiple companies to share the same sheet with the next appropriate batch number.
  • Assign Batch Sequence – Assign a Sequence # to each combination of Co, Month, and Batch ID.
  • Validate Batch – Validate each Batch # in the combination of Co, Month, and Batch ID.
  • Post Batch – Post each Batch # in the combination of Co, Month, and Batch ID. Audit reports will not be generated during this process. For reports, batches must be posted inside the system.
  • Clear Batch – Clear each Batch # in the combination of Co, Month, and Batch ID.
  • Get Batch Errors – Generate a new sheet containing the batch errors.

Parameters #

When downloading any of the Batches templates, you’ll see the parameters listed below. These parameters enable you to filter the data based on the following criteria:

  • One or multiple companies
  • A specific range of months
  • A specific range of creation dates
  • Individual batch IDs
  • The user who created the batches

Workflow for Importing #

When you download a Batches template, you will see the following blue Action buttons. These represent the workflow for importing new batch records.

Single/Header Tables

Item/Line Tables

The workflow for all Batches templates starts with the following steps:

  • Enter a sample record in Vista to use as a guideline for your entry.
  • Download a Batches Template.
  • Enter data into the downloaded table(s).

Single Worksheet

If your template has a single worksheet, follow these steps:

  • Click the Format Table button.
  • Click the Get Batch # button.
  • Click the Assign Batch Sequence button.
  • Click the Validate Import button.
  • Click the Execute Import button.

Header/Line Worksheets

If your template has multiple worksheets, follow these steps:

  • Click the Format Table button on the Header Table.
  • Click the Get Batch # button on the Header Table.
  • Click the Assign Batch Sequence button on the Header Table.
  • Click the Validate Import button on the Header Table.
  • Click the Execute Import button on the Header Table.
  • Click the Format Table button on the Line Table.
  • Click the Validate Import button on the Line Table.
  • Click the Execute Import button on the Line Table.

After completing these steps, you can open the batch in Vista to validate and post.

Packages #

The Run Package button automates the process by executing all blue workflow buttons on the selected worksheet, eliminating the need to click each one individually. For more details, refer to the What are Packages? article.

It is recommended to use this method only after manually running the process a few times to ensure everything functions correctly.

If you do not want to validate and post batches using TAD, be sure to remove the Validate Batch and Post Batch actions from the package.