Query Editor Form – From Button

Getting Started #

The From part has two different layouts depending on what type of object you are working with.

When working with Tables you will only show the SQL Statement option.

When working with Reports you will see the SQL Statement option and the Stored Procedure option.

SQL Statements #


  • Search Tables
    • Use this to filter the list of Tables.
  • Tables
    • This list displays available tables to use as your base table.
  • Selected Table
    • This is the table selected as your base table for your data.
  • Alias
    • An alias gives the Selected Table an alternate name to make it more readable such as Jobs instead of JCJM.
  • Mimic Table
    • This is the table used for all Actions other than Download.
  • Activate Mimic Feature
    • If checked then all Actions other than Download will use the Mimic Table instead of Selected Table.


Clears the search box and refreshes the Tables.

This will save any changes to the From portion of the SQL Statement.

This will cancel any changes to the From portion of the SQL Statement.

Stored Procedures #


  • Stored Procedure
    • Contains the stored procedure used in the report.
  • Parameters
    • This lists all parameters associated with the stored procedure.
  • Search Columns
    • Use this to filter the list of Table Columns.
  • Selected Parameter
    • This is the selected parameter that you will associate with a column.
  • Parameter Column
    • This is the column that will be used to format your parameter values when downloading the report.
  • Table Columns
    • This lists all columns you can associate to the parameter for formatting purposes.


This pulls all parameters associated with the Stored Procedure. This will also handle new or deleted parameters.

Clears the search box and refreshes the Tables.

This will show in place of the Add button if you select a column from Selected Columns to edit. Use this to save any changes.

This will clear all fields on the form.

This will save any changes to the From portion of the Stored Procedure.

This will cancel any changes to the From portion of the Stored Procedure.