New Ribbon Buttons #
- Run Package –> Regenerate Action Buttons
- Are your blue buttons disappearing? Shared file from another user? Use this button to quickly regenerate the buttons and sync them to your account.
- Format Table –> Move Empty/Optional Columns
- Format Table –> Apply Default Row Height
- Format Table –> Regenerate Excel Formulas
- Tired of losing your formulas after a download, format or any action? Use this button to reapply the formulas.
- Create Automator
- Validate Automator
- Process Automator
- Create Blaster
- Create Converter
- Validate Converter
- Process Converter
New Tables #
- N/A
New Reports #
- SM Cost and Revenue Open
- SM Cost and Revenue Closed
New Templates #
- Added Mimic – Fix Batch Errors for Subcontract and Purchase Order batches to resolve any Missing Phase and/or Cost Types on the Jobs.
- Added Process – EM Create Asset Schedule to easily generate all fixed asset schedules.
- Added Process – JB Initialize Progress Bills to generate progress bills in order to enter beginning balances.
- Added Process – JB Interface Bills to interface outstanding bills.
- Added Process – JB Move Bill Month to move bills to another month.
- Added Process – PR Initialize Routines to initialize the PR Routines for multiple companies in one pass.
Table Updates #
- Fixed the Duplicate Columns setting for the bARBL (AR Invoice Entry Detail) table. It was missing the ARLine column.
Report Updates #
- N/A
Template Updates #
- Updated the Mimic – Fix Batch Errors templates that insert into bJCJP (JC Job Phases) to pull the mimimum Contract Item rather than the default of “1”.
Financial Updates #
- N/A
Installer Updates #
- Transfer All Data application is now deployed through an Installer. The Installer handles the installation on the SQL Server and deploys the Excel Add-in file. It also includes an Updater process making it very easy to deploy future updates.
Miscellaneous Updates #
- You can now F4 in the Saved Parameters (Column B) cells to see a lookup. Use this along with the blue Download action button to skip the Parameters form.
- When editing the Where part of a query, you can now F4 in the value boxes to choose specific values. Rather than creating a parameter, if you want to hard code values, this allows you to select those values from the same lookup list.
- New Split option on the Lookup form allows you to split each parameter value into a separate worksheet. For example, instead of downloading Companies 1,2,3 together, they would download into individual worksheets.